How Does Jeuveau Differ from Other Injectable Treatments?

/ How Does Jeuveau Differ from Other Injectable Treatments?

There are many injectable treatments available on the market. It prevents the movement of muscles and is normally used to treat the facial area. With the various options available, how do you know which is best? At Meridian Medical Spa in Bonita Springs, FL, we offer a wide range of injectable treatments to the people of Naples, Fort Meyers Beach, Estero, Sanibel, Cape Coral, and Marco Island. 

We are a destination of luxury. We are a medical spa that offers treatments and medical procedures to improve your skin. We provide only the highest quality aesthetic and cosmetic injections. We also offer microneedling, laser hair removal, and HydraFacials among other services. 

If you are looking for professional wrinkle treatment, we are the medical spa for you. Contact us now to find out more about our facial treatments. 

What is Jeuveau? 

Jeuveau is a nonsurgical cosmetic injectable procedure. Its purpose is to improve the appearance of the vertical lines, known as glabellar lines, that develop between the eyebrows. These lines are caused by several expressions, such as frowning or squinting that contract the muscles. Over time, the repetition of this action causes permanent wrinkles. Jeuveau is a treatment that uses small precise injections to smooth and improve the appearance of not only the space between your eyebrows but also your jawline, chin, and forehead. This treatment is administered by a dermatologist. 

Wrinkles are defined as either static or dynamic. Dynamic wrinkles are mainly caused by muscle movement. Static wrinkles are caused by gravity, loss of collagen and elastin, loss of body mass, and aging. Neuromodulators are used to treat dynamic wrinkles but can also be used to treat excessive sweating and migraines. 

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

With the process of a Jeuveau injection, the time it takes to see results and the duration of the treatment may differ from person to person. After receiving this injectable treatment, results can be expected to be seen in as little as two to seven days. The more dramatic results will be noticeable after fourteen days. 

These treatments are not permanent and usually last three to four months. Some patients have experienced results for up to six months. However, the durability of this treatment may vary from one person to the next. 

Preparation Before Jeuveau Is Important 

Make sure proper preparation is carried out before the day of your Jeuveau injection. Seven days before your treatment, avoid taking anticoagulants, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These medications may increase bruising after your treatment. Inform us of any medication or supplements you are currently taking. All prescription medication should be continued unless recommended otherwise by us. 

Avoiding alcohol and antioxidants 3 days before your treatment is recommended. These substances may inhibit blood clotting. Contact us for a more detailed list of foods, drinks, and supplements to avoid before your Jeuveau injection. Informing us of your medical history and any supplements or medication you may be taking will assist us in providing the best treatment for you. If you have previously experienced muscle or nerve conditions, it is also important to share this information.

The Day of Your Jeuveau Treatment 

Your treatment will be carried out by a professional medical practitioner. This will be done in a sterile and safe environment and can give you peace of mind that you are in good hands. This procedure will only take about thirty minutes to perform, depending on the area being treated, and how many units of Jeuveau you are scheduled to receive. After your skin is cleaned and numbed, several small injections will be made into the area being treated, typically in the places most affected by wrinkles or tense facial muscles. 

While Jeuveau injections are administered with needles, it is not a painful process and is often compared to tiny pinches. Slight tenderness may be felt while the treatment is being administered. 

Jeuveau After Care Treatment 

After you have had a Jeuveau treatment, you should avoid alcohol and strenuous activity for twenty-four hours. Physical exertion may cause the neurotoxins to spread to other areas in your body. Rubbing and massaging of the treated area should also be avoided for at least twenty-four hours after treatment. In the case of redness, swelling, or bruising in the affected area, we recommend that you use a cold compress, such as an ice pack, or acetaminophen that you can get over the counter. This will soothe the skin and help relieve discomfort. 

The Number of Units

Each patient has a different anatomy and that makes if difficult to set number of units required to see results. It depends on how your body works and how severe the facial lines are that need to be treated. We will assess the area that needs to be treated and determine the number of units to need to reach your desired results. The number of units also depends on whether you simply want to soften the appearance of wrinkles or try to get rid of them as much as possible. If you don’t see the results you hoped for, you may need a bigger dose or more units to reach your aesthetic goal. 

Trusted Medical Spa Treatments 

At Meridian Medical Spa, we have your best interests at heart. We are here to ensure that you get the results you want. You can trust us to provide professional treatments that will leave you satisfied. You can ask us as many questions as you need to feel comfortable with the treatment. If you are looking for an injectable treatment that will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and facial lines, call us and schedule a Jeuveau treatment. 

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