What Is Xeomin? The Wrinkle-Relaxing Injections You Need

/ What Is Xeomin? The Wrinkle-Relaxing Injections You Need

What Is Xeomin? The Wrinkle-Relaxing Injections You Need

As you get older, your skin can change in various ways. You may notice more wrinkles and fine lines appearing. Perhaps your skin starts to sag and droop. All of this can diminish your radiant appearance. But there’s a solution. Xeomin injections can smooth your wrinkles for a more even, youthful complexion.

Xeomin injectables are in the neuromodulator family. Neuromodulators temporarily paralyze certain facial muscles that cause deepening wrinkles and creases. Read on to find out more about Xeomin’s wrinkle-relaxing abilities.

How Neuromodulators Work

Neuromodulators are proteins that block nerve signals between your brain and your facial muscles. We inject these proteins into your facial muscles using Xeomin injectables. Our expert injectors choose areas that tend to form wrinkles and creases after years of repeated facial expressions.

These injections do not paralyze your entire face. They simply smooth wrinkles and prevent facial creases from deepening. Neuromodulator injections are temporary and wear off once your body metabolizes them. The injections are safe and FDA-approved as cosmetic treatments for wrinkles.

Why You Get Wrinkles

Why do wrinkles form in the first place? Many different factors lead to wrinkle formation on your face. As your skin ages, your complexion can become dry and damaged. This makes it easier for wrinkles to form.

Xeomin injections create a smoothing effect as they target the facial muscles that deepen and exaggerate your wrinkles.

Sun Damage

Years of sun exposure can be damaging to your skin. The sun dries out your complexion, and dry skin leads to wrinkles. Frequent tanning and forgetting your sunscreen can prematurely age your skin, causing wrinkles and fine lines. The sun is one of the biggest factors in visible skin aging.

Less Collagen

As you age, your body produces less collagen and elastin — the skin fibers that keep your complexion firm and youthful. Collagen production starts to decline as early as your 20s. Without enough collagen and elastin, your skin starts to sag and form wrinkles.

Facial Expressions

Over time, the facial expressions you make start to permanently show on your face. Repeated muscle movements create creases in your skin. This is why many people have laugh lines, crow’s feet, and eyebrow “11s.”

Xeomin injections smooth the surface of your skin near these areas by preventing facial muscle contractions.

Xeomin Injections for Wrinkle Smoothing

With Xeomin injections, you can still make authentic facial expressions. Xeomin works under the surface of your skin to prevent strong muscle contractions when you make expressions. As a result, your wrinkles and fine lines appear smoother. This gives you a more youthful appearance overall.

Xeomin Benefits

There are many benefits to getting Xeomin injections. This well-established cosmetic wrinkle treatment has a high rate of patient satisfaction. Patients love to see their smooth, youthful complexions after getting Xeomin injections.

Xeomin is FDA-approved and safe to use as a wrinkle treatment. You can trust that the science supports these wrinkle-relaxing injectable treatments.

One of the biggest advantages of Xeomin injections is that they work quickly to produce results. Patients start to see the wrinkle-smoothing effects of Xeomin within five days of their injections. After 10 days, your complexion appears smoother and more youthful. This is one of the fastest-acting wrinkle treatments on the market.

Xeomin treatments are temporary. You can choose to continue your injections after they wear off. Xeomin results last between three and six months, depending on how quickly your body processes the injections. To maintain your smooth, youthful complexion, you can schedule maintenance injections after this period.

Neuromodulator injections like Xeomin can also treat migraines and heavy sweating in some patients. These additional benefits are appealing to patients who deal with these uncomfortable conditions.

The Injection Process

Before we start injections, we’ll meet with you to figure out if this treatment is right for you. During this consultation, we’ll answer your questions and address your concerns about Xeomin. Once we determine that you are a good candidate for Xeomin, you can schedule your injections.

Just before your Xeomin injections, we’ll apply a topical numbing cream to make sure you’re comfortable throughout the procedure. Patients report that they don’t feel much of anything while they get these injections.

We’ll determine the best areas to target on your face so you can get optimal wrinkle reduction results.

The injection process takes 30 to 45 minutes, and there’s no downtime required afterward. You are free to return to your normal activities once your appointment is over. Xeomin is a convenient wrinkle treatment for patients short on time.

Customized Xeomin Treatment Plan in Bonita Springs, FL

When you come to Meridian Medical Spa, you get a treatment plan tailored to your skin’s needs. Our expert injectors will decide on the proper dosage of Xeomin to treat your wrinkles while keeping your facial expressions dynamic and natural.

We treat all of our patients as individuals. Our goal is to help you look and feel your best when you leave our medical spa. We will figure out the ideal injection areas to treat the visible signs of aging on your face. You don’t have to worry about looking frozen or stiff after your Xeomin injections.

We invite you to book a consultation with us at Meridian Medical Spa in Bonita Springs, FL. We serve those in Naples, Ft. Myers and Fort Myers Beach, Estero, Sanibel, Cape Coral, and Marco Island as well.

Schedule your consultation online or call us to discuss whether Xeomin is the right wrinkle treatment for you. We look forward to helping you achieve smoother, more vibrant skin.

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